Traceability Routes for Electrical Power Quality Measurement
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Partners involved: NSAI (WP Leader), all partners.
The aim of this work package is to ensure input is sought from the stakeholder community and there is efficient dissemination of information on the project outcomes and to encourage their uptake by the stakeholder community such as developing NMIs, calibration service providers, manufacturers of measuring instruments for electrical power and related quantities, standardisation bodies, energy regulators as well as the power generating and distribution industry. This will be achieved through a range of mechanisms including a stakeholder committee, workshops organised within the project, through the good practice guide, the open software tool and by the wider dissemination of scientific information and outputs though conferences, papers, training material and the website.
Stakeholders will be identified and contacted with a view to forming a stakeholder committee for the project. This will ensure that the project’s outcomes are relevant to the community involved with power quality measurements. Contact will be maintained with the relevant technical and standardisation committees.
An on-line platform for efficient transfer of information and data between the partners will be developed. It will also act as the “public face” of the project, providing open access to the technical reports and publications, and to other project outcomes. Ultimately, the web-site will be the access point for resources developed within the project, such as software tools and the good practice guide.
This WP will be focused on a number of topics reported in the following tasks:
Contact on WP leader:
Oliver Power
NSAI National Metrology Laboratory
Griffith Avenue Extension, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, Ireland